Hello friends and welcome to this week’s episode of “Not Your Momma’s Podcast” and today we are joined by Annie Harmon a seasoned coached with extensive experience in guiding individuals towards personal and professional growth. Annie Eclipse her clients with the tools to overcome challenges and embrace transformative change any. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast today. I can’t wait to talk to you and get to know a little bit more about your insights.


Well thank you, Christina. This is a joy to be here.


Awesome So how can individuals overcome you know mental illness and family separation challenges


That can overcome now illness by accepting responsibility and not accepting stole oblivion. Living fit some doctors want to put you are medications that make you dumb and not live life at all. They just want you to be a zombie. So keep finding doctor they will help you live your life keep you stable and allow you to have a life worth living.


I agree I mean that you want to, there is no magic pill to cure. You know, let’s say your depressions are kind of like on like the heavier side of life. You know, like there’s no magic pill that’s just gonna make these feelings go away. And I agree you have to kind of take responsibility and put it into your own hands to try to commit to getting well mentally you know, and that takes work and everyday practice.


Oh yeah, most definitely. And what works for Person A doesn’t work for client or Person B has a whole different regimen. And it doesn’t always work the same in each person.


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Right. And it takes learning how to deal with your mental illness, as part of being coached is figuring out how to handle and manage those feelings come up, and how to deal with people around you. leads us right into that separation. You know, you have to pick up the pieces and figure out what’s good for your life. And sometimes when you change the people around you don’t change. And then you need to move on and find new friends and new people in your life.


Yeah, yeah, sometimes, like you have to make these big life decisions to you know, move towards healing. I know that was one thing for me. You know, at the end of December of 2022 You know, I had to really take a look, you know, I was having like Crohn’s disease, which is a very emotional kind of disease within itself. You know, it’s like you have to have like stress management and things like that. And it really made me look, take a hard look, it’s like, okay, is this the life I want to lead and I had to make big decisions to adjust to get to my get myself into that better like space. And it’s scary to do that, you know, it’s scary to make these big decisions. You know, that’d be like, leaving a husband or whatever it is, you know, having to move away or, you know, like, not have a communication with your parent anymore. Because like your parent may be a little narcissistic, or whatever it is, we have, you know, these decisions aren’t easy to make. And I liked that you bring it up that sometimes you have to make those hard decisions in order to, you know, work towards that healing.


Right, and to achieve your goals. People can hold you back. And you really have to look hard at those relationships, and figure out which ones are going to support you and which ones aren’t.


Introducing Ashton rodenhiser, our visionary, our graphic magician. Step into the extraordinary world of visual storytelling with Ashton, our graphic magician, experienced the magic of turning ideas into captivating visuals, where every stroke sparks creativity and ignite imagination, passionate about empowering moms, kids and women. Ashton transforms, learning and communication through her giant charts and visual note taking expertise with mind eye creative, creative consulting, she’s on a mission to uplift creativity and help others communicate ideas, effectively, Ashton’s silent illustrations that break down complex concepts into easily understandable visuals, inspiring others to embrace her techniques, join Ashton as she teaches sketchnoting skills to students and professionals making doodling and drawing their best thinking and learning tools. Join her at sketch note dot school. And so for you, why is Why do you think that like empathy is so important in coaching and can help with empowerment?


Well, empathy is so critical to coaching. Because with empathy, it builds trust, it helps with relationships, building stronger relationships, motivation and gaining insight into the client. And I use it as a tool to really enhance our relationship. Yeah, critical.


Yeah and, you know, and what does empathy you know, mean to you? Like, how would you describe empathy when you’re working with your relationships with


People, um, empathy is hearing, it is a deep, heartfelt caring for an individual to ensure that they are doing the best that they can for themselves.


Yeah. And I think that’s important, you know, people need to feel, you know, trust and, you know, feel like they’re really heard and, you know, trying to be understood throughout their, their process, and I liked that you incorporate that in your coaching style, because, you know, we need to be able to, you know, relate and like you said, empathize with, with our people that we’re working with.

Yeah. It’s so important.


And what are some common obstacles like for women, for women’s goals and well being and how can we overcome them?


Well, a lot of the issues that were prevalent years ago are still prevalent, gender issues, work life balance, and challenges and economic inequalities. All those are problems still today. And the way we overcome them is through education and training, and work life integration, and promoting that in the workplace so that there’s more flexibility. So it goes both ways. There are men staying home, now taking care of kids, so Yeah, flexibility is encouraged for both sexes.


I definitely agree. Well, Annie, it is time for the Power Mom Chronicles and I cannot wait to dive into your answers.

And my first question to you is, what’s a game changing lesson life has taught you.


The game changing lesson that I have learned is to be resilient and adaptable. I can bounce back from life setbacks, so that I can achieve my goals.


And reflecting on your journey, what practical lessons or insights can our listeners apply to improve their own lives.


The best lesson that I can ask someone to apply to their life is proactive mindfulness. If you have a mindfulness practice that you do daily as part of your routine, it helps increase focus, decrease stress, and increase emotional return.


Perfect, and then offer a piece of wisdom for moms striving to find their own strength and voice.


I have a big heart for moms, that it’s a toughest job in the world. And the best advice I can give is self compassion. Really give a pat on your back. For doing it all, you’re expected to manage a household manage the kids a lot of times have a full time career and a relationship with your husband. And or, if you’re a single parent, that is even harder. So I would say power to you and have self compassion because you’ve got a rough job.


And the best advice you’ve ever received.


The best advice I’ve ever received is from a coach a long time ago, telling me to live true to my self, to my values. And true to my calling and that except social norms as the way to live my life.


Exactly, Well, Annie, thank you so much for coming on this week’s episode of Not Your Momma’s Podcast. All of her links are down below in the show notes. Don’t be shy. Go say hi. And I hope to see you all in the next one. Thanks for listening. Thank you