Being a stay-at-home Mom or even being a working Mom can be hard to get your ‘Me’ time in. Always catering to others’ needs before yours. I think it’s important to have little tricks throughout the day to help keep your sanity, keep you balanced, and hopefully keep you focused on whatever goals you are wanting to achieve. Below are a few things I do to help keep my sanity. They seem small and insignificant but they do have powerful impacts on how your day will go.

1. Always wake up to a clean dishwasher

This one may sound weird to some but starting off my morning with a clean dishwasher sets you up for a good mood and not having to clean dishes right when you wake up. Your favorite mug for your morning coffee is ready to go, the plates and dishes from the day before are ready to be used again, and most importantly, the dishwasher will be empty for the day. Having an empty dishwasher throughout the day makes it easy to load up the dirty dishes and it keeps your sink empty and clean. It can make the mess of the kitchen look less overwhelming when you don’t see a bunch of dishes in the sink. By the end of the day. The dishwasher is full and ready to run while you and your family catch some Zs.  

2. Have an easy at-home workout routine

I am going to tell you right now, when I add a workout routine into my daily routine it uplifts me. Whether I get it done in the morning before the kids wake up, during naptime, or in the evening when the kids go down to sleep. I feel so accomplished taking extra time for myself. When you workout it releases endorphins and that uplifts you and can make you a happier Mama, a stronger Mama, and a more present Mama for your family. 

One way I do this is by using Beachbody workouts. I absolutely love the programs starting from 21 Day Fix, Morning Melt Down 100, and Bodi. You can stream workouts from your smartphone, computer, or television. Quick, easy, and effective workouts. I’ve been using Beachbody for years now. It helps take away the guesswork on what workouts you can do from home. The Beachbody app also has a tracking feature that can help you visualize all the progress you’ve made. I need something easy to access so having my workouts on demand is key. No need to pack a bag and head to the gym. What’s also great is that they have amazing recipes and nutrition plans to help you guide along with a new healthy lifestyle. 

3. Listen to motivational speeches

One thing I do throughout my day is wear my AirPods while playing with my kiddos or doing chores around the house. Having hands-free earphones is such a game-changer. I usually only keep one in my ear at a time. I listen to motivational talks from youtube,  inspirational audible books, you name it. This can help change a negative headspace or keep the momentum of a positive space. It’s not only important to take care of your physical health but mental health is just or if not more important to practice and nurture for yourself. 

4. Make your bed every morning

Making your bed in the morning seems small but it can have a dramatic impact on how it makes your room feel. It can feel more organized, clean, and less chaotic if you have some clean clothes that still need to be put away.  When you go and lay your head down for the day the sheets are nicely organized and ready to be slept in.  

These are just a few simple things I do to help keep my sanity when sometimes I feel like there is no sanity to be had! What are some things you do to help keep your sanity with a busy Mom lifestyle?