Hey friends welcome to this week’s episode of “Not Your Momma’s Podcast” today I’m excited. I have Sandy Sembler, the woman’s embodiment expert behind the sacred she method. Through her transformative approach, Sandy guides modern women to liberate their past, reclaim their power and embrace their most authentic selves. Sandy. Oh my god, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. I can’t wait to dive into our topic today.
I’m excited to see you. Thank you so much for having me.
So okay Sandy, how can the sacred chi method help women, you know, liberate their past and reclaim their own power?
So great question. Your sacred chi itself is really my healing journey on how I healed from being a very masculine, super driven woman that was very detached from my body, detach from my emotions, and had a tendency to emasculate the men around me, including my own son without even realizing it, right. And so this fishy method really came about 10 years ago after an intervention with Tony Robbins, and I was able to actually dive in and study from teachers around the world, like, how can I help more women understand that it’s not serving us to totally always be in go mode? Like, how can we learn to slow down. And so the secretary method, what it is, is these tenets that I love to teach with these different modalities, and what happens is it teaches us to slow down, breathe into the body, make art out of our emotions, learn to feel what we feel, which allows us to alchemize all of our paths into something quite beautiful.
Yeah, and you know, and you make a good point, like, we always, sometimes the women now in this generation, we always feel like we need to go. And sometimes they have to feel like they’re holding that more masculine energy of what you were talking about. And how do you feel like society plays a role in that today? Because, you know, you know, the dynamics of relationships and things like that, like, you know, do you think that because of society, it kind of made you feel like you had to be in this certain role of holding that more masculine energy dominance?
So great question. Honestly, I didn’t even know what I didn’t know, which is why I shifted my entire career into teaching. That’s the last decade because what I found out is that it wasn’t, you know, I was 41 when I discovered this work. So I was very masculine and very driven because of childhood trauma. And I didn’t even know what like I didn’t even know, like my Daddy left when I was 12. And been working since I was 12. It was survival. So a lot of it is very primal. I mean, masculine feminine energetics, you know, is actually it’s not gender specific. It’s actually both men and women, boys and girls. And so I do think society does play into that. Yes. And I think that what’s happening now is that it’s more and more accepted for women to be shoulder to shoulder with men, right? And I think what we’re finding is, is that women are starting to really burn out because literally, our bodies are not made to go, go go like we are. And that’s why we’re seeing women with adrenal fatigue and things like this things such so yes, I think society plays into it. I also think that the women’s lib movement was amazing for us. And I also think that what happened is it did it did force us to be detached from our body. Now, we’re liberated, we’re coming back . We’re reclaiming the feminine, which actually, the feminine intuition is something that is needed is empathy, right? It’s intuition. It’s relating, and if more men would heal their own feminine energy, right, just like I’m asking more women to heal their masculine energy, the world would be a better place.
Yeah. Makes sense. You know, in your philosophy, you mentioned, you know, how we do anything is how we do everything. How does this mindset contribute to creating, you know, a more profound experience in every aspect of life?
Well, I mean, for me, life is or school, I mean, we are here to learn and our biggest teachers are probably the ones that are giving us the biggest pain in our tush. Like, I think my son was probably my biggest teacher. And I also believe that that our last 5% of healing happens in partnership because there’s no better teacher than someone who’s going to trigger all of our childhood stuff. So how we do anything’s how we do everything is actually a quote I got from Harper Teen Becker and Tony Robbins with shared as well. And again, for me, it’s a moment to moment practice, like how are we being in life, right? And how are we doing life is the masculine right? And so they both are very, very important. I know before honestly, I learned this work and understood it. I was like, I barely slowed down. I mean, I really I got a lot of things done and I would did very well in business and had great beautiful relationships, not great relationships. with partners, that’s for sure. Because I had a tendency to attract people that I could just walk all over, quite frankly, yeah. And healed that, of course. But the thing is, is that I realized that I was missing the joy. And one thing I wanted to make sure I stressed here because of the nature of your audience, too, is that, you know, I didn’t understand that mothering in itself, like, Did you do your homework? You know, the Christmas list? The President’s did we do this? Yeah, I’ll be classroom, whatever it is, is very masculine is task oriented. But the art of mother, the nurturing the hold, is the intuition is the feminine, right? Yeah, quite frankly, there’s more and more and more men who are getting 50-50 custody, right. So they’re actually very much in their feminine as well, anytime we see, you know, a man playing with their kids outside, even when they’re playing football, isn’t actually, when we’re playing, we are in our feminine Period, end of story, and that most kids are in their feminine until they go through puberty. Right. And we write scientifically with the reason why kids start, you know, pushing up against us, when they go through puberty is because their testosterone kicks in. And they’re fighting their independence, which we want them to have their independence, boys and girls, right, because it’s just them to have autonomy. You know, these are things that no one taught me when I had my son that boys go through there on hormonal peace. And, you know, without going through menopause, my husband was going through what I call menopause. How, yeah, our boys go through this as well. I was like, wow, someone would have told me that.
You know, it’s crazy, you know, in your tiny about, like, the 5%. You know, you have that art of creative relationships program, you know, that is focused it that focuses on that last 5% of healing, you know, acquiring and, you know, occurring in relationships, to how do couples break the cycle of like repetitive patterns and complacency to deepen, you know, their love and passion for each other?
Oh gosh, your questions are like, so good, so good. I love this bouncing off of them, it gives me something neat to respond to, you know, my husband, I’ve been married now for five years. So clearly not, not our first rodeo. And we come to the table with our own baggage and the people that come to work with me. Generally, it’s women first. And then the men, they learned very quickly that it’s not their fault, that they get to look in the mirror and own their own stuff. And then through the way I teach them how the art of communicating with their partner, they’re able to ask their partner to come on board generally is how it is we’re always women are always the one because we’re more intuitive, more oriented, like, we know when something’s going on before they do generally. And then so what happens is, is that when the woman can come and work with me, whether they’re 19, I’ve had a 19 year old and 74 year old, but whether they’re single, or in a long term partnership, it’s all the same, the teachings are all the same. And because we all have our own childhood stuff, we have our attachment styles, we have our love languages, all the things. And what we like to do is teach everyone how to basically regulate their own nervous systems. It’s not super sexy, honestly, to talk about nervous system regulation and passion in the bed is important. Because who wants to go in the bedroom when you’re really ticked off at your partner? And they didn’t understand it had nothing to do with them? And how did they reminded of something from way back then. And so again, when I was studying relationship and studying coach, I’ve been coaching over 20 years now, you know, this all came up these last little pieces because of what my husband and I have been going through and alkalizing in our own relationship and I buy my purpose is my dharma I bring it to the world. So how do we do that? And repetition how we do anything’s how we do everything, teaching that, you know, these marriages that people have been together for 25 years. It doesn’t have to be boring. I mean, it’s in that moment to moment practice. And so we have had over 200 relationships literally turn the car around and they’re back on track, maybe several they were divorced and getting remarried because they’re able to actually look in the mirror and see now it does take two and it does take two for sure but it generally only takes one to get the kids to get the car going in the right direction.
Yeah well Sandy it is Power Mom Chronicle times and I cannot wait to know what your answers are.
And my first one to you is what’s a game changing lesson life has taught you.
Ah, a game changing lesson Wow. There’s so many I say the first one that comes to me is actually not take myself so seriously. But also being able to look in the mirror and always realize that anytime I’m triggered is because of something that I need to take a look at within myself. That is the number one thing that I’ve learned in life up to this my 52 years on this Lana.
Reflecting on your journey, what practical lessons or insights can our listeners improve use to improve their own lives?
You know, honestly, for me, the biggest pivot was, you know, learning about the masculine, feminine or Jetix. Truly, and not just to be girly, or be more driven really more and how we can harmonize these two and understand that as women, we can be just as successful out there, even if it’s in the boardroom, or in the playroom, simply by understanding getting to know our bodies, we don’t need to detach ourselves from our bodies. I will say this when I went through menopause a few years ago, it really triggered a lot of eating disorder, things I had back in college because I felt like my body was betraying me. So understanding that my body really does keep score, and my body is here to help me heal. So if it’s giving me a little bit of it, you know, there’s I need to pay attention. Yeah. Right. That was one of my biggest lessons here is to understand that my body really loves me. And if I’m feeling inflammation or feeling bloated, it’s because something’s going on in my body that isn’t quite right. Instead of cursing her, like her. I need to love her, like really love her. Because, I mean, we our body keeps score, it remembers what we say. Right?
True very true. And offer a piece of wisdom for moms striving to find their strength and voice for to anyone
Well, I tell you, we have one of the things I was going to share with you as I have this great a sacred respect teaching women and you know, whether you’re teaching or you know, Sunday school, you’re teaching, you know, your own children, or you’re just literally being an example, because you’re breathing here on Earth. And we all always have eyes watching us understand that little guys want to serve us they guys want to believe it or not. But anytime that we are telling someone what to do now, obviously, we have to parent our kid, right? But as they get older, give them their independence, right? We want them to launch out of the nest, which is a hard thing these days. Yeah. To honestly honor them, let them help. Even our little girls, if we’re decorating the Christmas tree, let them put all the date range on the bottom. And then if you want to go back later and do that fine. But let them help you that actually builds testosterone in men to serve it also with those guys. The little guys, they want to help us Yeah.
Yeah, my little man, I have a two-year-old and a five-year-old two boys, you know, and, yeah, they’re the best.
That’s wonderful. Congratulations on raising these beautiful, beautiful boys. And I’d love to actually, you know, give you a sacred respect as a gift for us being on the show. And I will share that with basically, it’s a self study course, that actually teaches women how to honor the masculine within themselves and others and how to deeply respect them in a way that’s actually quite fun. I mean, it’s pretty surprising as a future. I’d love to give that to you. So I have Kelsey is going to share that with you.
Oh, awesome. Thank you. I can’t wait. And then my last question to you is the best advice you’ve ever received.
Oh, gosh, the best advice I’ve ever received is to slow down, to slow down and look up, slow down and look up. Then always know that honestly, like God has our back. Like God really is. I think my grandmother was one he told me imagine that you’re sitting in God’s lap, and you feel the heartbeat of creator behind us just holding us tightly and just know you’re always being held.
I love that. Well, what a great way to end this week’s episode of “Not Your Momma’s Podcast”. Sandy, thank you so much for coming on the episode today. All of her links are down below in the show notes. Don’t be shy. Go say hi, and thank you for listening.
Thank you. Bye